Please read or click on the latest news items below
13 January 2025
Please say NO to the City of Stirling Local Planning Scheme No 4
The draft City of Stirling Local Planning Scheme No. 4 is rezoning parts of our suburbs and changing R Codes that will have an impact on the bulk, height and scale of buildings in both commercial and residential areas. Furthermore, the award-winning Beaufort Street Local Development Plan that has protected the heritage and character of Beaufort Street since 2018 is being deleted. Many of the local residents are unaware of these proposals and that there is a Public Consultation inviting comments with a deadline of 24th January.
We urge you to make a submission to the City of Stirling rejecting the draft LPS4 proposal. Your comments count! This can be done by either:
Going directly to the City of Stirling survey at . You will be asked for your name and address, whether you support or reject the LPS4 proposal, and if you have any comments (you are welcome to copy and paste or attach the above Society’s position).
Or,Go to the specific website of the Mount Lawley Society at for more information, and use the proforma email link to send a submission to the City of Stirling rejecting the proposal.
15 June 2024
MLS Newsletter wins Heritage Award
The Mount Lawley Society won the Barrie Baker Special Recognition Award at the recent City of Stirling Heritage Awards Night on 13 June for its newsletter. Over the years, the Mount Lawley Society newsletter has promoted the history and heritage of the suburbs of Inglewood, Menora and Mt Lawley, drawing interest locally, but also from other states and overseas.
This award means a lot to our Society. In 2014 the City of Stirling introduced a heritage award category that was named after our much-loved patron and historian, Barrie Baker, to recognise his involvement in the promotion of heritage values over the past 40 years.
In our newsletter of December 1982, there first appeared an article on the restoration of panelled doors and associated door furniture and thereafter articles appeared regularly on the history and heritage of the local area, together with stories about people and their families who helped shape Mount Lawley and its neighbouring suburbs. The newsletter has had four different titles over the years. The original ‘Newsletter’ ran from December 1977 to February 1983 (36 editions) but then a new title of ‘Mount Lawley Matters’ ran from April 1983 to December 2015 (111 editions). The Society then changed the title to ‘Our Heritage’ running from April 2016 to June 2019 (12 editions) before becoming ‘From the Verandah’ in July 2020 to the present day (16 issues). To date nearly 180 editions have been published. Editions from the year 2000 are freely available to the public on the Society’s website – – to be read or used for research purposes.
Winning this award is a tribute to all the members of the Society that have contributed to the newsletter since the Society’s inception in 1979. Well done to you all.
The other winners from the night were:
Conservation and Restoration category:
Winner - Dianne Summers, Windsor Hall, 36 Queens Crescent, Mt Lawley
High Commendation - Wendy Brooks, 62 Third Avenue, Mt Lawley
Excellence in Design and Construction: Fetia and David for their home at 79 Fifth Avenue, Mt Lawley
29 November 2023
MLS History and Archiving Group Win Awards in City of Vincent Local History Awards 2023
Our History and Archiving group recently submitted four entries in the 2023 City of Vincent Local History Awards - and two of those won awards!
There were many entries in the City of Vincent Local History Awards 2023. The awards given, not only recognise the work of the many entrants, but, and more importantly, all the stories and photographs entered add to the history of our suburbs for future generations to learn about.
We congratulate those who won awards, especially our hardworking and diligent members of the MLS History and Archiving group: Roger Elmitt won Special Mention for his entry on the Diary of World War I experiences of Joseph Rosenthal, who lived in North Perth. (Written Word on a Person or People Category).
Phill Matson won Second Place for his entry on the Mount Lawley Subway (Written Word on a Place Category).
The other two entries were The Soldiers of Barlee Street 1914-1918 in the History of a Place Category and Forrest Park Croquet Club in the Contemporary Images Category.
Feel free to read these entries:
Joseph’s Diary
Mount Lawley Subway
Anzac Soldiers of Barlee Street
Forrest Park Croquet Club - still to be added
17 MARCH 2022
Opinion Piece Angela Pownall The West Australian Thursday 17 March 2022
Verge trees are a huge and vital part of the tree canopy in the Perth metropolitan area and they need to be maintained. As a community group which strongly supports maintaining our suburbs’ tree canopy, especially the larger specimens, we found this Opinion piece by Angela Pownall, Why it's Important to Embrace the Humble Verge Tree in today’s West Australian to be quite interesting.
Please look after your verge tree, so that your children and their children will be able to enjoy the shade it provides and the refuge it provides our wildlife.
Local Government Elections
The local government elections are in progress and you may have already received your ballot paper in the mail. It is important for our members to participate in the local election.
As a community group, we like to work closely with our local elected councillors on matters of heritage and conservation in our wonderful suburbs of Mount Lawley, Inglewood and Menora.
Our membership is also passionate to retain and improve our green and leafy streets and canopy – it is such a wonderful experience to walk our shady streets on a summer’s evening.
We are also keen to protect our low-density housing approach and zoning to retain the character and heritage of our homes and community.
All members are encouraged to vote as soon as you receive your ballot. Remember, if you don’t vote, you shouldn’t complain about who has been elected, so do your own research and please consider our members' community concerns and choose your vote wisely.
JUNE 2021
MLS Submission – inglewood design guidelines review
Laneway streetscapes may need more flexibility, however architectural character and tree canopy should be retained.
Include strict visual guidelines for flat-roofed carports.
There should be no solar panels on front of homes.
... from our submission to the City of Stirling
The Mount Lawley Society, on behalf of members, broadly welcomes the design changes; however, there are some items proposed by the City of Stirling that we feel are inconsistent with the community and our members to retain streetscape character. Further, the decisions for change are based on a very small sample of residents. We encourage Council to approach this consistently in the Design Guidelines when considering integration of modern materials, to protect the character of our streets. Specifically, the following streetscape and materials are inconsistent with the design guidelines of Inglewood character homes built before 1960:
Proposed – new controls for carports – COS will allow flat-roofed carports in Inglewood – this feedback was from a very small sample of fewer than 30 attendees at the previous workshop. This new addition, in principle, is not supported by MLS, as it is in conflict with the retention of streetscape and heritage in Inglewood character streets. There is a risk that the materials and built form will be that of a colour bond flat patio. The Society would be receptive to the City of Stirling approaching this need by developing visual guidelines with imagery and architectural design recommendations that have been validated and published via the COS Design Review Panel. Using architectural style drawings to define visually and by choice of building materials what is acceptable will ensure the protection of character and value of homes in the area. This would enable the community to have a visual reference when briefing architects and builders for their development.
Proposed – COS will allow solar panels on the front of houses – The installation of renewable energy systems must not distort, obscure or detract from the significance of the place. Only 21 people at the consultation voted for panels in the front. This is not a representative community sample. State Heritage Guidelines, which provide a significant reference framework for the Heritage Protection Area, do not promote or encourage solar panels to be visible from the front of buildings. Installation of renewable energy systems can have a significant impact on the fabric and visual setting and may also be detrimental to the place. Main frontages, significant vistas to and from the place, and the form and mass of the place need to be considered to guide the location of the equipment. The visual setting of the place, particularly of its main frontage and the dominant roof, must be maintained. The system must not detract from the visual presentation of the place to its main street or significant vista. Significant coverage of solar panels in the front of properties will create a significant visual impact, and by default brings into play an alternative roofing material due to the expanse per m2 of a family home 19 panel or similar sized solar panel system. It will be detrimental to the character protection of the area. The local planning policy should continue to conserve and protect our local heritage and history: “ensure that new buildings (where permitted), alterations, additions to existing buildings, carports, garages and front fences are in keeping with the heritage character of the area, respect the scale and proportions of surrounding buildings, and are designed to fit into the existing streetscape".
Read the full submission: Heritage Protection and Guidelines Inglewood – MLS submission
31 January 2021
The City of Stirling Council is now proposing to continue consultation regarding design guidelines that will enable further flexibility for buildings and additions in the suburb of Inglewood and there is a Planning meeting on Tuesday 2 February that will table the report regarding the Inglewood Heritage Protection Area – Design Guidelines Review.
The consultation was very clear regarding demolition and protection of streetscapes:
• 77.84% (295) residents support the rules in the City’s Planning Scheme which state that buildings built between the early 1900s to the 1950s cannot be demolished where the architectural style of the building is generally intact.
• 75.2% (285) residents support the City investigating changes to the Guidelines to allow more design flexibility where additions cannot be seen from the street.
Based on the survey results and individual comments received by Council, the review of the Character Retention Guidelines will focus on:
• emphasising that the preservation of streetscapes that formed the historical grid layout of the area is a key objective of the guidelines
• clarifying that where an addition to an existing dwelling is proposed, there is some flexibility permitted to the design (including materials) of the addition where the addition will not compromise traditional Inglewood streetscapes
• considering how the requirements for carport design can be modified to allow more of an existing traditional dwelling to be seen, without compromising the character of the streetscape
• developing criteria for identifying when traditional roofing materials such as zincalume may be considered
• developing criteria for development abutting rights-of-way that places less emphasis on the character of adjacent streets.
It is being recommended that a review of the Character Retention Guidelines be undertaken and there is a timetable being proposed by Council. There is proposed to be further community engagement through a community workshop.
You can read the full report here:
If any members have any questions, please send your questions to our email
You can also contact your local Ward Councillors in Inglewood:
Cr Bianca Sandri –
Cr David Lagan –
23 October 2020
There is a small piece of greenery at No 10 Monmouth Street Mt Lawley, which the City of Vincent is thinking about selling.
We disagree and do not support this thinking.
The City states that it is 'vacant'. It isn't. It is designated as 'recreational' and 'public open space'.
As a community group, we suggest the Council put the community first and upgrade this space to become a ‘pocket park’, similar to the well-used pocket park in Hyde Street Mount Lawley.
Hyde Street Pocket Park
Storm Damage 10 Monmouth Street
In support of the retention of this land as public open space, we point out the following:
• This land was purchased by the City of Perth (now City of Vincent) in the 1960s for recreational purposes – this should still be a priority.
• According to the Vincent Greening Plan, three of the objectives are:
o Increasing Tree Canopy
o Enhancing habitat and Promoting Biodiversity
o Greening Enlarging and Enhancing Public Open Spaces
By replacing the trees that were removed by Council or damaged by storm (see photo above right), the City would be helping to meet these objectives.
The City of Vincent has been at the forefront of providing the community with much needed small fun, green and relaxing spaces, encouraging residents to be a part of that community. Examples are the Mary Street Piazza, Hyde Street Park in Forrest Street Mt Lawley and the Oxford Street Reserve in Leederville.
We therefore strongly urge the City of Vincent to retain the reserve in Monmouth Street and, furthermore, ask that it be upgraded to the standard of some of the City’s other ‘pocket parks’ which add to the friendly and welcoming vibe in this inner-city suburb.
Mary Street Piazza
Oxford Street Reserve
Oxford Street Reserve
16 October 2020
The City of Stirling is wanting to establish community attitudes on revisiting the planning controls that apply to the area and which are outlined in the Inglewood Character Retention Guidelines.
In the City of Stirling's own Heritage Management Strategy it says:
Heritage plays a pivotal role in understanding where we have come from, the way we live and the traditions we hold dear. Heritage is a finite resource; once lost it is gone forever."
“The continued protection and enhancement of the City’s Heritage Protection Areas will not only safeguard the character of the areas but ensure they remain a desirable and sought-after place to live.”
The suburbs of Mt Lawley, Inglewood and Menora are heritage protected because of a lot of hard work by the community and the City of Stirling in the development of the Heritage Protection Area Guidelines.
This could now change. Inglewood residents need to have a say before 9 November.
We are not against appropriate development but we DO definitely support heritage protection, our beautiful streetscapes, and importantly, maintaining our tree canopy. Many streets in Inglewood are far more intact than Mt Lawley or Menora – such as Sexton Road, Normanby Road, Crawford Road and all the Avenues. The MLS is interested to hear from our members and the residents of Inglewood. Do you want these heritage guidelines altered?
Here's the link to the survey:
For more information go to:
Huge Community Support to save these two heritage homes in Beaufort Street
We have been overwhelmed, but not surprised, by the great support we have had from the local community - in Mount Lawley and from people in other areas who visit.
We also acknowledge Councillor Suzanne Migdale for her support on this important issue.
The online petition has now closed.
Link to article in Eastern Reporter
Please Help Us Stop the Proposed Demolition of two Federation Homes
at 690 and 692 Beaufort Street
Download the Media Statement to save Iconic Heritage Homes at 690 and 692 Beaufort Street.
The Mount Lawley Society and our local community oppose the demolition of 690 and 692 Beaufort Street, Mount Lawley. These stunning heritage properties are in excellent condition and have been part of our streetscape and character of Beaufort Street since 1903, when it was built for the Schruth family. No 692 was built in 1915 for the Cohen family.
Both families are part of Perth and Mt Lawley history and both homes are excellent examples of the Federation style. Even though No 692 has been ‘updated’ at some stage, the Federation bones are still very much intact.
The properties are in a Heritage Protection Area in Mount Lawley and the Beaufort Street Plan which aims to protect and conserve quality heritage and character properties. This includes commercial properties which fall under the Beaufort Street Local Development Plan – a statutory document for the local area.
The Heritage Protection Design Guidelines Policy 3.1 calls for protection and retention of quality significant character heritage homes in the area dating back pre 1950s. The proposed applications do not meet the LDP objectives or the Heritage Protection Guidelines.
Please go the City of Stirling e-Petitions page to stop this destruction of our history.
DA 19/1464 179 Central Avenue Mt Lawley
Development proposal for six commercial tenancies and 15 multiple dwellings
The current development application is not supported by the Mount Lawley Society.
Importantly, we ask the developer and JDAP to work within the existing Town Planning Scheme to ensure preservation rather than demolition of buildings pre-1950. The Society is also requesting protection of the streetscape through appropriate architectural styles that are consistent with pre-1950s housing typologies under local and state planning laws.
The community interest of our membership is to ensure that any proposal within the context of the existing planning framework and planning scheme for the City of Stirling – this extends to the Heritage Protection Area and planning scheme for Mount Lawley, Menora and Inglewood. In this instance:
· heritage character and streetscape has failed to be protected
· development of a local centre fails to be in keeping with existing character, bulk and scale of existing streetscapes
· the development information as advertised by the City of Stirling is incomplete and requires further information to be made public as a part of the consultation process.
Read the Mount Lawley Society submission sent to the Presiding Member of the Development Assessment Panel on 22 January 2020.
If you are not a member of the Mount Lawley Society and want to join, please email us at
179 Central Avenue Mt Lawley as it was when operating as a deli
Proposed Development
Our society encourages community members to join the conversation about increasing our urban forest.
Importantly, each of us can do something about this: requesting the planting of Council trees; if developing a block of land, then try and leave the trees and build to accommodate them; taking ownership of your trees.
As well as primarily being vital for our health and environment, it benefits the streetscape and brings life into our communities.
City of Stirling has developed an Urban Forest Plan to address the challenge of declining tree canopy cover and support positive change, ensuring green neighbourhoods into the future.
If you would like to read what the Society put forward in its submission, here’s the link.
Half-Baked Outcome with Woolies
The Inglewood and surrounding communities WILL be getting a supermarket complex – which is good news – but the cost will be driving past or, for those living behind the complex, looking at two tilt-up concrete walls (see image).
We do not accept that a concrete tilt up panel building is in keeping with the character of the Heritage Protection Area of Inglewood or fits into the existing streetscape ON ALL FOUR SIDES – meaning, if you live behind the development or as you drive down Beaufort St heading towards Morley all you will see is concrete panels.
Woolworths argued their architectural form was ‘art deco’.
Nevertheless, the City’s Design Review Panel accepted the design as art deco and so did today’s the Development Assessment Panel.
Our second point of concern was the fundamentally flawed pedestrian amenity on Eighth Avenue. Asking pedestrians to cross 20m+ of crossovers including a 6.5m wide carpark entry/exit, a 14.5m wide loading bay and a six-metre wide Inglewood Lane all next to each other is a recipe for disaster.
We pointed this out to the Development Assessment Panel that up to 9 vehicles or trucks could be coming every which way at pedestrians but our concerns were rejected.
The Society argued for the loading bay and the car park entry and exit to occur off Inglewood Lane as required under the Beaufort Street Local Development Plan but this was not accepted despite it having been required of the Second Avenue IGA.
This was the City’s first consideration of a DA by its new Design Review Panel. The panel met behind closed doors some weeks ago, preventing any community submissions which does not auger well for future developments in Stirling. The feedback today from the Development Assessment Panel was simply along the lines – well the City’s design review panel has said its okay so it must be okay…
Expect more boxes with more tinsel and tissue paper…oh, and garden walls…
Perth Listeners Learn a Little About The Wonderful Suburb of Menora
The suburb of Menora featured on 6PR's Saturday morning radio on 16 March 2019. Our Society was asked to provide some history on the suburb and our President, Paul Collins, did a fantastic job of enlightening the Perth listeners about this wonderful suburb.
Paul talked about the wonderful house at 19 Alexander Drive, built by the Breckler family (of shoe retailers Betts & Betts and Cecil Bros). See photos below of home prior at various times over the years.
He also talked about the fabulous Battle of Learoyd Street in the '30s - between the City Council and the Perth Road Board - over 'the smellful atrocity hampering the extension of settlement' (otherwise known as the the sewerage night carts!
The full interview is only 12 minutes and extremely interesting.
Impressive Community Interest in the Name the Laneways Competition
Three Laneways to be Named After Prominent Local Men
In late 2015, a Name the Lane competition was run by the City of Vincent and the Beaufort Street Network and the community was asked to submit suitable names for some laneways in Mount Lawley.
Because of Mount Lawley Society’s large and ever-growing archive, it was an ideal opportunity for us to delve in and see how we could be a part of this exciting community exercise as well as provide a legacy for some well-known or important people from our past. Led by Deb Olle, our Archiving Sub-committee put together a rationale for six Mount Lawley residents to be recognised as worthy.
There were 251 names submitted overall, which shows the huge interest by the local community in being involved in building the identity of our suburb.
Arnold’s Pharmacy – to the left of the photo
After much consultation with various groups, the City of Vincent has now released the names chosen as suitable and three of the names that we submitted are on that list: Arnold Lane, Danker Lane and Merifield Lane.
Arnold Lane: runs parallel and between Raglan Rd and Grosvenor Rd (Beaufort Street end) – in recognition of Arnold’s Pharmacy and the Arnold family’s longstanding links to the area and local community.
Arnold’s Pharmacy was a historic Mount Lawley business, established in the Alexander (previously Broadway) Building at 645 Beaufort Street in 1910. Arnold’s was the first pharmacy in Mount Lawley and was named after the proprietor, Mr Albert Edward Arnold, and then his son Mr Maxwell Arnold who operated the pharmacy until the 1980s.
Danker Lane: runs from Grosvenor Rd to Chelmsford Rd (alongside No 36 Grosvenor and No 21 Chelmsford Rd) in recognition of Eric Leslie Salisbury Danker’s, service to the country and the Danker family’s long-standing links to the area and local community. Eric Danker enlisted from his parent’s home at 32 Grosvenor Road Mount Lawley in May 1915 at the age of 22. He served in the Australian Army Medical Corps, 2nd Field Ambulance in France, rising to the rank of Staff Sergeant before he was killed in action on 17 April 1918 at the age of 25.
Eric Danker – Middle row fourth from the left
William Merifield – information from his war record
Merifield Lane: runs parallel and between Chelmsford Rd and Vincent St (Beaufort St end) in recognition of William Merifield’s service to the country and the Merifield family’s long-standing links to the area and local community.
William Merifield enlisted from his parent’s home at 19 Grosvenor Road Mount Lawley in June 1915 at the age of 19. He served as a private in the 28th Battalion of Infantry of the Australian Imperial Force. In 1918 he was wounded but recovered from his injuries and returned to live in Mount Lawley in 1919.
We are now endeavouring to track down family members of these men and make them aware of this significance. If anyone has information please contact the MLS.
Please click on the names to read the full submissions by the Society for Arnold’s Pharmacy, Eric Danker and William Merifield.
Thirty community groups joined forces to voice concerns at the Plan For Community Stop The Rot rally at Parliament House on 7 November 2018.
There were 13 different speakers representing the 30 community groups, each with their own individual issues. Mount Lawley Society President, Paul Collins spoke about the Society's concerns about Development Assessment Panel decisions which have caused five significant heritage dwellings to be lost since 2016.
"Planning decisions on our side residential streets should not be made by DAPs. Leave our side residential streets to the people who know their community - that is our elected local council members", he said.
See also article in Stirling Times
No 26 Wood Street, Inglewood is a three-storey block of flats built in the late 1960s – like a lot of blocks of flats built in the 1960s and 1970s in Perth’s inner suburbs as part of the implementation of the Stephenson and Hepburn Plan.
At the time, these developments destroyed hundreds of heritage homes in Inglewood, Menora and Mount Lawley BUT the only saving grace was the mandatory setbacks and large land area they required for significant landscaping that today provides a wonderful green oasis as can be seen from the aerial photo.
26 Wood St, Inglewood is now controlled by a single developer who is seeking to re-zone the site to a higher density to allow development of the landscaped land surrounding the existing three-storey block of flats.
The developer lodged the same re-zoning application before Council last year but was knocked back. Numbers on Council have since changed and the developer is having another go. Neighbours have reported at least TEN large trees have already been chopped down as the photos show.
This three-storey block of flats comprise 23 units and the developer wants to increase the zoning to build on the surrounding land. If the developer is successful then this will set a very dangerous precedent that will put at risk a significant amount of valuable green space in Perth. The City of Stirling advise more than 40 blocks of flats in the Heritage Protection Area of Inglewood, Menora and Mount Lawley at risk of similar applications for higher zoning.
Decision to initiate this re-zoning rests with the Council of the City of Stirling on Tuesday 18 September at 7.00pm. Please come along and take part in question time to stop this application for higher re-zoning. If you are unable to attend then please call or email all City of Stirling Councillors NOW and express your views. Contact details: Council / Mayor Wards and Councillors OR download, print and sign this petition, scan and email to Mount Lawley Society by Tuesday 4.00pm so that the petition can be presented at the Council meeting.
Perth’s future film industry is secure if the quality of films in the Society’s recent Mt Lawley Short Film Festival is anything to go by. Some of Perth’s emerging film makers showed their outstanding skills and talents recently at the Film Festival held at the Astor Lounge in Mt Lawley. This is the second festival to be run by the Mount Lawley Society. With the Astor Lounge near capacity, the audience was entertained by historical footage of Perth in the 1950s, the Commonwealth Games in 1962 and some amazing historical film of Perth as well as seeing the outstanding finalists’ entries.
Two deserving winners were announced.
L-R: Stuart Irving presenting trophy to Molly Worsnop, Roger Elmitt and Scott Montgomery
L-R: Corina Stagg with her father and current Mt Lawley Hardware store owner, Glen Stagg
Above L-R: Glen Stagg from Mount Lawley Hardware and Eryk Matusik from Matusik Jewellers
The winner of the Open Category and $1,000 was Roger Elmitt who produced McPherson Street, a short history of a street in Menora. In accepting the prize, Roger said “this film, based on my book of the same name, was very much put together with enjoyment and collaboration – both near and far. My brother in England, Ray, was the film maker, I wrote the screenplay, my daughter’s partner, Scott, was in charge of sound and the wonderful Molly Worsnop – who has devoted her whole life to Perth theatre – was the perfect narrator”.
Student category winner of the $750 prize was awarded to ECU student, Corina Stagg, who went with one of the themes for this year, ‘Mt Lawley,’ with her film, Heart in Hardware. Her film highlighted the history of the Mt Lawley Hardware Store in Beaufort Street.
Below L-R: Finalists: Ellien Wardyn, Cassandra Lionetta-Civa with Simon Millman MLA
Film Festival organisers, Christina Gustavson and Mark Hodge
Finalists included Cassandra Lionetto-Civa with her heart-warming film Sunday Lunch and Ellien Wardyn with a different but interesting take on one of the themes, ‘Remember When …’, with her film D13. Both finalists received $200 Camera House gift vouchers.
The Society would not have been able to run the festival without the support of our sponsors who provided the funds for the prizes this year. We sincerely thank our wonderful local businesses: Irving & Keenan Real Estate, Matusik Jewellers and the Inglewood Hotel. Member for Mt Lawley, Mr Simon Millman MLA, donated the Camera House prizes for the two finalists and for that we are extremely thankful.
We can’t wait to see what fabulous films we are presented with at our third film festival. It looks like the Mt Lawley Short Film Festival is here to stay.
It was a pleasure to see two Life Memberships awarded to two very special men at our Society's AGM, held on 4 December. Former City of Stirling Councillors, Mr Terry Tyzack and Mr Rod Willox were each given Life Membership of the Mount Lawley Society for "outstanding service to the Community and the Mount Lawley Society as Councillors in the promotion, protection and understanding of the very special heritage characteristics of Inglewood, Menora and Mount Lawley". Rod as Councillor for the Lawley Ward since 1993 and Terry as Councillor for the Lawley and Inglewood Wards since 1974.
To read the full citation on these two gentlemen, presented by President Paul Collins at the AGM, please click on the relevant document:
Rod Willox AM
Terry Tyzack
After listening to the various reports, it shows that the past year has been a very busy one for the Society, with some wonderful highlights such as our 40th Anniversary.
We farewelled four Committee Members: Treasurer Bruce Wooldridge and Committee members; John Wreford, Andy Ross and Phillipa Baines. Thank you to these wonderful and hardworking members.
We welcomed three new Committee members in Terry Tyzack, Tracey King and Jan Wilkie as well as Committee members who have re-nominated: Paul Collins (President), Mark Hodge (Vice-president), Sheila Robinson (Secretary), Pina Caffarelli (Treasurer), Christina Gustavson, Rita Tognini, Peter Conole and Patron, Barrie Baker.
DAP Issue –
WA Planning Minister, Rita Saffioti on ABC Talkback Radio 27 June 2017
This morning, WA's Minister for Planning, Rita Saffioti, was questioned by ABC Presenter, Geoff Hutchison on the DAP Issue. Please listen to the audio of Ms Saffioti as well as the reply from Mount Lawley Society President, Paul Collins. Apologies for the audio quality as well as missing the first part of Paul Collins' reply.
ABC Radio Morning Program 27 June 2017 Rita Saffioti on DAP
ABC Radio Morning Program 27 June 2017 Paul Collins' reply
Mr Tim Hammond, MHR for Perth, rose in Federal Parliament on 11 May 2017 to provide a congratulatory message to the Mount Lawley Society for our 40th Anniversary year in 2017, as well as acknowledging the continued hard work our Patron, Barrie Baker, has done during his 38 year membership of the Society.
The Society thanks you, Tim, for your ongoing support.
Please download the excerpt here: House of Representatives Hansard Statement Thursday 11 May 2017
Guildford Road Widening and Meltham Street Train Station Precinct plan
If we thought that 2017 was going to be less hectic, we were in for a bit of a shock.
We have hit the ground running with submissions to Councils and the Planning Department on both the Guildford Road Scheme Amendment and the Meltham Station Precinct Plan. These submissions are available here to view:
Concerns about the Mount Lawley and Meltham Street train stations and Guildford Road widening
There have been concerns recently in our area about the Guildford Road widening, and what that might involve, as well as the reportingof the closure of the Mount Lawley and the Meltham Street train stations. Our members and visitors to our site might be interested in the comments and letters, to those who might be affected, by our local State Member for Mount Lawley, Mr Michael Sutherland.
Guildford Road Widening letter sent to residents October 2016
Mount Lawley and Meltham Street stations letter sent to residents October 2016
“How will we know it’s us without our past?
… They sat and looked at it and burned it into their memories.”
John Steinbeck, The Grapes of Wrath
Despite a Heritage Protection Area within the City of Stirling’s Planning Scheme requiring the retention of such buildings and a strong campaign from the Mount Lawley Society, all power was lost when the State Government’s undemocratic Development Assessment Panel (DAP) took over and sanctioned its removal on 15 October 2015 and 15 December 2016.
The ample land at the rear was not enough room for development—it required the removal of the whole building.
It didn’t take long for the developer to move in with demolition starting late January and completed this month and for what? The developer is looking for pre-sales but what if they’re not achieved, the community is left with a vacant lot? The Mount Lawley/Inglewood community is pretty savvy and pre-sales are not a foregone conclusion. If developers don’t bring the local community along with them then their project is at risk of failing. Heritage buildings were demolished on the corner of Burt St and Walcott St more than a year ago and pre-sales are still being sought. Meanwhile the community lives with the loss of heritage buildings and a now vacant site. Another example was the ugly, over-height, over-bulked and under-parked DAP approved development on the Inglewood IGA site in Beaufort St. Such overzealous development sanctioned by DAP was never going to work with the Inglewood community. It just wanted its IGA back.
A smart developer would look at incorporating existing heritage buildings into a new development and take the local Mount Lawley/Inglewood community with them but where are the smart developers? Clearly, they’re not required whilst DAPs are around.
So, after a tally of five heritage buildings lost in the Heritage Protection Areas of the City of Stirling in 2016 due to DAPs, we have our first for 2017.
Development Assessment Panels are our biggest threat to heritage and your Committee is working hard to ensure a scrapping of the Panels or a significant policy change from our major parties before this election. We met face to face with the WA Opposition Planning Minister, Ms Rita Saffioti, and the new Planning Minister Hon Donna Faragher MLC. However, neither major party has yet offered a policy to abolish or reform DAPs.
To our knowledge, the only political party promising to ‘Scrap the DAP’ is the Julie Matheson Party. This party is contesting the Upper House with Julie Matheson contesting the North Metropolitan Region and Russell Goodrick contesting the East Metropolitan Region.
This was a disgusting but excellent exercise in how developers finally get their way and achieve a complete demolition.
Even though the current day look of 760 Beaufort street was not pretty or even remotely looking like a heritage building, underneath that cream and red paint were the original walls of the Pole's Store dating back to 1912.
The new development CLEARLY required the retention of the facade.
But, it appears, that by gutting the inner walls of the building the external walls have now become unsafe and the OK has been given to demolish the facade.
From the moment any plans are passed, Councils must ensure that developers be made to ensure the safety and stability of the saved facades of historic buildings.
Another historic building in Beaufort Street - NOW TOTALLY GONE - 1912 - 2016
Presentation on Beaufort Street Activity Corridor by City of Stirling
Daniel Heymans (Coordinator City Planning Projects) and Fraser Henderson (Manager of Planning) from City of Stirling addressed the meeting with the City’s findings and proposed outcomes from the Scheme amendment advertised in early 2015.
Pleasingly, most of the points submitted by the MLS were taken on board and most of them have been incorporated into the report to go to the full Council in April, including height restrictions, removal of mandatory nil setbacks, increased rear row setbacks, re-instating visitor parking and no longer proceeding with a narrowing of the Main Road Reservation.
Unfortunately, our submission to retain the Character Retention Guidelines for demolition of pre-1960 dwellings on Beaufort St was not accepted. The City would prefer to list buildings and facades for protection in an Appendix.
A copy of the presentation is available for our members to view clicking on the Beaufort Street Activity Corridor image on this page.
Presenters were thanked for attendance on a public holiday.
Interesting Article and Comments Relevant to the Retention of
Heritage Buildings on Beaufort Street
"One of the fundamental principles associated with integrating heritage-rich buildings with new ones is to consider the space around the old building. If you can't provide any breathing space then at least plan a development which allows the old girl some dignity."
"People experience places in the urban environment at street level and it is at this level where things go so wrong ... standing at the footpath and looking up at the junction between these two buildings, what I see and feel is one big bully boy belittling the other in a monstrous way."
These comments are by Linley Lutton, University of Western Australia planning lecturer and owner of a Perth urban design firm.
To read the full article:
Diminishing Tree Canopy in Our Suburbs
This, and more, in the article in The West Australian on Thursday 10 March 2016, talks of the catastrophic problem that "290ha of tree canopy would be lost to infill housing by 2030 under a 'business as usual' approach".
Interestingly, as you can see in the attached article in the paper in 1983, it highlights the Mount Lawley Society's ongoing stance of "OUR STREET TREES ... AND THEIR FUTURE".
Read more in both articles alongside this story.
Let's make this the last weatherboard heritage property to go down into the dust !!
The demolition of this weatherboard house in a heritage area has already been endorsed by the Planning and Development Committee of the City of Stirling. It now comes before the full council tonight (16 February 2016).
This property, at 177 Seventh Avenue Inglewood, is one of fewer than 16 weatherboard/fibro dwellings in Mount Lawley/Inglewood built early on in the development of these suburbs. AT LEAST SIX HAVE BEEN DEMOLISHED ALREADY.
Is a weatherboard house in these areas an anachronism in 2016, basically too primitive to be retained or modernised ? This may well be an overwhelmingly common belief, so that these properties are prime opportunities for developers to acquire, neglect and then demolish. But these rare properties do have a value in our community, for they point back to the very earliest days of our city in those suburbs. They clearly belong to the heritage of our city.
One might be surprised to learn that some private owners of these properties are proud of them and have carefully preserved and have sympathetically modernised them. There are numerous examples in the many 'avenues' in the Mount Lawley/Inglewood suburbs.
The City of Stirling (and JDAPs and the State Government) should be working to strongly favour such as these last three examples, and not to implicitly favour the ravaging or wilfully neglectful owner on his/her course to demolition. The Mount Lawley Society, and the community in general, applaud the City of Stirling for the steps it has taken to support heritage properties and values. However, we owe it to our descendants to make sure that this is the last (weatherboard) heritage property to go down into the dust.
Sadly, three houses owned by Perth College were demolished on 8th January 2016. Today the ground is littered with piles of rubble that were once classic Mount Lawley homes.
Let's hope the design of their new structure changes from the very 'un-heritage-like' steel and glass structure that is proposed, to something that suits this heritage protection area.
It was a great turnout for the society's Sundowner and AGM on Monday 7 December.
It was wonderful to have our guest speaker, Richard Offen from Heritage Perth, give an enlightening and optimistic talk about the transformation of Perth over the last 186 year. Richard's enthusiasm for the heritage around us all is contagious and was well-received. Thank you, Richard.
It was also lovely for members and guests to mingle and chat in the welcoming surroundings of the Mount Lawley Bowling Club.
Richard Offen, Heritage Perth
As is our custom, we held our AGM during the night and we are excited to announce our 2015 Executive and Committee:
President: Tim Hammond
Vice President: Paul Collins
Treasurer: Bruce Wooldridge
Secretary: Sheila Robinson
Patron: Barrie Baker
Committee: Christina Gustavson, Phillipa Baines, Ian Merker, Andy Ross, John Wreford, Rita Tognini, Clare Buising, Pina Caffarelli, Mark Hodge.
We especially welcome our new committee members: Clare, Pina and Mark.
Let's see what challenges and issues 2016 brings us. With the new committee in place, and with our members behind us, we will tackle these issues with renewed vigour.
Tim Hammond
Patron, Barrie Baker
Vice President Paul Collins
Help Save Our Heritage
24 Lawley Crescent Mount Lawley
If you are at all concerned about your community and the demolition of houses in a 'so-called' Heritage Protection Area, then please contact your local State Member of Parliament and voice your concerns about this disappointing decision by the Joint Development Assessment Panel on the Perth College proposed demolition of four heritage houses in Lawley Crescent Mount Lawley.
After the City of Stirling Council's unanimous decision to refuse the demolition of four heritage houses, the State Government’s North West MetroJDAP approved the demolition of four properties in Lawley Crescent last Thursday 24 September 2015. The properties are at 24, 26, 28 and 30 Lawley Crescent.
All four properties are completely covered by the City of Stirling Heritage Protection Area Guidelines. That is, they were built in the protected time frame; are intact examples of their architectural style; are structurally safe and sound; and contribute significantly to an intact streetscape.
Perth College has in the past been the biggest demolisher of properties in the Heritage Protection Area, and the demolition of these four is the single largest act of destruction of our built heritage.
The three members who sit on the Development Application are government appointees and are not accountable to the local community. Our elected Councillors at City of Stirling [plus Councillors of all the City of Stirling Wards] had voted unanimously to oppose the demolition on Tuesday 15 September.
Support for Private Institution Design Guidelines and the 2015 Heritage Bill
The Mount Lawley Society has been busy in the last few weeks with various submissions - two of which we support.
We fully support City of Stirling's 'Private Institution Design Guidelines' as well as substantially supporting the State Heritage Office's 2015 Heritage Bill.
Please read these submissions, as they probably affect the neighbourhood in which you live:
2015 State Heritage Bill Submission
Pleasing Result from State Administrative Tribunal on Development in Central Avenue
The State Administrative Tribunal recently rejected a seven unit development at 179 Central Avenue Inglewood stating that "if such a precedence was established it could, in time, substantially compromise the significance of the locality.
This development would have been the first two-storey dwelling to directly front Central Avenue, and as such, the heritage guidelines cold not be compromised."
The Mount Lawley Society applauds this decision.
Our committee has been lobbying on behalf of, and providing support to, those residents who would have been living in the shadow of this proposed development. Relieved resident, Regan Whitby said "this sends a message to the residents of the area that inappropriate developments can be successfully challenged and that the Character Retention Guidelines for the area must be carefully considered by developers."
The City of Stirling had previously rejected the developer's plans for this two-storey complex, which is inside the City's heritage protection zone.
Proposed Demolition of Four Classic 1920s Houses by Perth College in Lawley Crescent
We seek community support to stop the demolition of 24, 26, 28 and 30 Lawley Crescent (see photos). The College plans to build a Senior Learning and Leadership Centre but we hope that with community input these classic 1920s houses can be retained.
The Mount Lawley Society objects to these demolitions on the following grounds:
1. The demolitions are contrary to the City of Stirling Character Protection Guidelines Policy No 3.
2. All houses were built in the 1920s and are in the Mount Lawley Heritage Protection Area.
This Perth College proposal calls for complete demolition of the houses.
The proposed design makes no attempt to incorporate the character features of the houses, which are evident from the street. Sadly, Perth College, in their Community Information marketing book, showed photos of their rubbish at the rear of these houses, rather than the streetscape views.
See or download the document direct by clicking here
The City’s Policy Guidelines state: One of the objectives of the Heritage Protection Areas is to ensure the retention of buildings in the Areas dating from the early 1900s to the 1950s where the architectural style of the building is generally intact. The MLS observes that the affected houses are generally intact.
In 1974-1977 that part of Lawley Crescent suffered four heavy blows when the magnificent homes at Nos 13, 17, 19 and 23 were demolished. This left, except for the Perth College buildings, five lovely homes on the north side of the street: Nos 20, 24, 26, 28 and 30.
This streetscape is all that is left of the fine and gracious part of Lawley Crescent leading up from Beaufort Street to the curve down to First Avenue.
Perth College now seeks to demolish four of these properties (Nos 24, 26, 28, 30) and thus emasculate all that remains of this heart of old Mount Lawley — and this is planned in a defined Heritage Protection Area.
The Society strongly deplores this major removal of heritage buildings and values. The removal of four significant homes in one blow is unprecedented in modern times.
The Society strongly urges that these four properties be retained.
Anzac Day Commemoration at Mount Lawley Senior High School
On Friday 24 April 2015 the school conducted its annual Anzac Day Commemoration. The keynote address was delivered by Mr Arthur Leggett, OAM, ED. At 96 years of age, Arthur remains a firm favourite of the student cohort with his wit, sense of humour and generous spirit.
A number of guests from the Mount Lawley Society, Rotary Clubs and present and former senior Army officers attended the service. Rotary Club of Heirisson exchange student, Charles, spoke of a former Mount Lawley resident, Eric Danker, who was killed in the Great War and buried in Charles' home village of Hazebrouck in France.
This is a project between the Heirisson Club, the Mount Lawley Society and Mount Lawley Senior High School. The aim is to identify all the Anzac personnel who lived or came from the area in WWI. The Mount Lawley Society has already identified and written up on some soldiers in its newsletters.
All this information is kept in the society's records and is available to those community members who are interested. Likewise, the society would like to hear more about any Anzac personnel who lived in the area and this information will be part of the joint project.
Please phone 0421 545 583 or email to share any information you may have.
City of Vincent 2015 Local History Photographic Awards
Dig into your family's old photo albums and be a part of the City of Vincent's history. Two categories you can enter:
Photographs over 30 years old taken in the City of Vincent which reveal life in the past. Includes: landscapes, streetscapes, buildings, interiors, people at work, groups, sport and recreation, events.
A photo study of two to six photographs. This may feature: changes over time, a building interior and exterior in the same period, a house history including occupants, then and now.
Entries close 6.30pm on Monday 29 June 2015.
For more information and to download the entry form, go to
Inglewood on Beaufort Night Market
Mount Lawley Society Photographic Exhibition
It was lovely to meet so many wonderful members of our community at last night's final Inglewood on Beaufort markets. It was a pleasure to be a part of it and we sincerely thank the Inglewood Night Market group for inviting us.
Lots of people stopped by to find out what we are about and look at our photo exhibition of Inglewood, Mount Lawley and Menora houses and streetscapes.
There are a lot more photos on this website on the Photos page.
If you or any resident or home owner would like to join our group, just download a membership from the Membership page.
Submission from Society 204 Walcott Street (Lot 964) Mt Lawley
The Mount Lawley Society has submitted a response to the City of Stirling regarding the Mixed Use Development Application for 204 Walcott Street Mt Lawley (cnr Learoyd Street).
The Society is not against development, but feels strongly that the heritage properties and streetscapes within the Heritage Protection Areas of Mount Lawley be protected.
Please click on the link to download the full submission: Submission re Mixed Use Development 204 Walcott Street Mount Lawley
Seeking Information on World War One Diggers
A combined group including Mount Lawley Senior High School students, local Rotary clubs and the Mount Lawley Society will focus on WWI service personnel during the Anzac Centenary.
We are seeking information about Mt Lawley's 1914-1918 diggers, especially the fallen. In particular, we would like to talk with relatives of Staff Sgt Eric Danker, 2nd Field Ambulance, son of Frederick and Clara Danker.
If you have any information, please contact Beth McKechnie on 0421 545583 or email
City of Stirling Presenting Report to Formally Withdraw from the Metropolitan Local Government Reform Process
An announcement from the Mayor of City of Stirling, Giovanni Italiano, posted today on the City of Stirling Local Government Reform Community Facebook page ... to read more click here
... and the Amalgamation of Councils story continues ...
"Council reform may leave us worse off than ever" The West Australian Tuesday 10 February 2015
Six years after the State Government pushed the button on council reform the process must be regarded as a failure ... to read more click here
"Push for vote after three mergers fail" The West Australian Monday 9 February 2015
Two Liberal MPs are calling for all ratepapers whose local councils are flagged for mergers to be given a say ... to read more click here
Building a Productive Relationship with City of Bayswater
On Monday (2 February), there was an informal luncheon gathering attended by some of the Mount Lawley Society committee members and a few key City of Bayswater Councillors and staff followed by a bus tour of the area to highlight the aims of the Society.
This was the first of many, meetings between the two groups to begin building a productive relationship so that the heritage in the suburbs of Mount Lawley, Inglewood and Menora is protected.
The Mount Lawley Society had built a solid and respected relationship with City of Stirling and it is hoped that, with the Council amalgamations due to take effect, a similar relationship develops between Bayswater and the Mount Lawley Society.
Those who attended were Mayor Sylvan Albert, Councillors Mike Sabatino, Martin Toldo, Chris Cornish, Director of Planning and Development Services Des Abel and CEO Francesca Lefante. Those representing the Mount Lawley Society were Pau Hurst, Barrie Baker, Ian Merker, Beth McKechnie, Sheila Robinson, Ian Hammond and Andy Ross.
Thank you to Ian and Jill Merker for hosting the event. It may have been very wet with thunderstorms outside, but it was very agreeable inside!
Good News on 204 Walcott Street
Good news on the property at 204 Walcott Street (on the corner of Walcott and Learoyd Sts). On 16th September the City of Stirling resolved that the original shopfront façade (and back to a depth of 1.4 metres) was to be retained and that no demolition of the rear property could occur until plans had been passed for the new development.
Download full Minutes City of Stirling 16 September page 278-279
City of Stirling's Planning Amendment to prevent 'Demolition by Neglect'
Article in the Guardian Express 11 November 2014 explains the new Demolition by Neglect Amendment being brought in by the City of Stirling. To read the whole article as well as the comments by Mount Lawley Society President, Bruce Wooldridge, click here.
Council Amalgamations - Latest News
On 22 October 2014, the State Government announced that it had accepted the Local Government Advisory Board’s recommendation that everything east of Alexander Drive will move to the City of Bayswater (”CoB”). This means that part of Menora, and all of Mount Lawley and Inglewood that currently are within the City of Stirling (Stirling’) will move to the CoB. This decision came as a massive shock, as it goes against the wishes of the community ... read more.
Download: Mount Lawley Society Media Release re Council Amalgamations
Download and read:
2A, 4 & 6 Thirlmere Street, Mount Lawley (City of Bayswater)
Encouraging news on these three properties. Read more ....
156-161 Walcott Street, Mount Lawley (City of Vincent)
Some worrying news in a new development application for these properties, which are the last original shops in this section of Walcott Street. Read more ...
Local Planning Scheme No 3 Amendment No 32
To exclude further multiple dwellings within residential areas coded Residential R40 and below.
The Mount Lawley Society supported the Amendment with a submission stating, amongst other things, that there are many R40 lots within the Avenues of Mount Lawley and that there is currently no regulation limiting the development of these blocks to multiple dwellings. To read more please download the submission below.
At a meeting on 16 September 2014, the City of Stirling adopted the Amendment in a modified format. Unfortunately, it also decided that it would be "inappropriate to give significant weight to Amendment No 32 to refuse development applications for multiple dwellings until such time as the Amendment is gazetted", possibly another three or four months.
Download: City of Stirling Local Planning Scheme No 3 Amendment No 32
Download: Mount Lawley Society submission supporting Amendment No 32
Download: COS Council Resolution re Amendment No 32
History and Photos Mount Lawley, Menora and Inglewood
The Mount Lawley Society is happy to work with other like-minded historical groups. In this regard, the Jewish Historical & Genealogical Society and the Mount Lawley Society are keen to find people who live, or once lived, in the Mount Lawley, Menora or Inglewood areas who might have stories, photos or information about the history or people who lived or worked in these suburbs. If you think you might have something of interest, please contact the Mount Lawley Society at
Local Planning Scheme No 3 Amendment No 38
To place more stringent controls on ‘Ancillary Dwelling’ within the area the subject of Schedule 9 (Restrictive Covenants) of the Scheme.