Benefits of joining the Mount Lawley Society


  • The society provides a voice for local heritage issues.

  • We work closely with the local councils on important heritage issues.

  • You will have access to historical information on the Mount Lawley, Menora and Inglewood suburbs.

  • You will be invited to attend Mount Lawley Society community events.

  • You will receive the quarterly newsletter full of event, community and historical news.

  • You will be eligible for discounted historical photo prices.

 Annual membership per household costs only $20. Renewals are sent out each July, but please feel free to join up any time of the year.

Please download a Membership Form or a Membership Renewal Form.

Then either scan and email to or post to Mount Lawley Society Inc, PO Box 15, Mount Lawley WA 6929

9 McPherson Street Menora

9 McPherson Street Menora

544 William Street

544 William Street

Dunstan’s Liquor Store 1912

Dunstan’s Liquor Store 1912