The following article was published in The West Australian on Saturday 22 September 1923 on page 10 and is transcribed as published (i.e. no paragraphs).
Extract from Government Gazette June 29, 1923
With the view of affording representatives of the cricket, football, bowling, tennis, and other sporting associations, an opportunity of inspecting the reserve; at Mt Lawley recently vested [1] in the Perth Road Board, a visit was paid to the locality on Thursday last [2]. The board was represented by Messrs. E. W. Hamer [3] (chairman). R. T. Robinson [4]; J. Tyler, D. Keane, F. A. Mansfield, and Crain, with the secretary (Mr. Plunkett) and engineer (Mr. Hargrave). Professor Shann and Mr. Keall attended on behalf of the golfing association, and Mr. W Orr represented the W.A. Football League. The W.A.C.A. was represented by Mr. Robinson, the Lawn Tennis Association by Mr. Warren, and the British Soccer Association by Mr. Robinson Cook. Mr. J. G. Braithwaite, Perth city gardener, was also present. The party motored out to the reserve and the afternoon was spent in an inspection of the areas allotted for bowls and tennis. Australian and soccer football, cricket, and golf, and also for parks and; gardens and children's playgrounds. Subsequently an adjournment was made to Waurina [5], the residence of the chairman, at Mt. Lawley, where refreshments were served, and a pleasant half-hour was spent. Gratification was expressed, by the representatives that such a fine area should have been granted by the Government for recreation purposes so close to the city, and attribute was paid to the far-seeing policy adopted by the Premier6 in reserving the land for all time to come.
[1] Published June 29, 1923 Government Gazette, WA Page 1201.
[2] 20 September 1923
[3] After whom Hamer Park is named
[4] Director (with Samuel Copley) of Mount Lawley Ltd.
[5] Possibly spelt Waurena
[6] The Premier at the time was Sir James Mitchell
The following maps from Landgate show the boundaries of Reserves A18324 and A18325 which currently cover (a) Coolbinia Oval and (b) the Mt Lawley Golf Club, Macaulay Park respectively.
2023 Boundary of Reserve A18324 from Landgate
2023 Boundary of Reserve A18325 from Landgate